Digital Assessment Solutions

Our dependable digital assessment platform helps educators to deliver high-quality evaluations. Schools and institutions can easily export assessment data to gauge student and program success.

Edutech’s digital assessment platform also features intuitive reporting, enabling educators to view student progress and knowledge comprehensively in one place. It helps analyse questions by categories such as learning outcomes and accreditation objectives, tracks individual or cohort performance, and provides test-takers with immediate feedback on their performance across various competency areas.

Digital Assessment Solutions

Create engaging real-world assessments

Students can gain valuable experience through technology-enhanced assessments that create engaging, real-world, performance-based evaluations. Select from a variety of standard and advanced question types to comprehensively test skills, utilizing diverse rich media and source material options.

Upon exam completion, automatic feedback can be shared with candidates through multiple channels. Educators receive a detailed skills profile for their class, highlighting areas for targeted instruction and providing reliable data. Additionally, learner journey charts illustrate the test paths taken, revealing patterns in learner behaviour.