Library Services Platform

The Ultimate Cloud-Based LSP Crafted Through Collaborative Efforts, Empowering Contributors and Benefiting All.

Crafted with a visionary approach of technology with our LSP platform innovated to redefine standards in the digital landscape. From its inception our platform boasts with a multi-tenant, app-based, API-first system that revolutionizes how we engage with information. Its modular architecture a beacon of adaptability not only separates business logic from implementation details but also invites a symphony of technologies ensuring unparalleled versatility and future readiness.

Edutech’s adaptability is showcased through its ability to facilitate the creation of customized apps, providing users with the freedom to select from a variety of options to configure their deployment according to their unique needs.

We offer various options when it comes to managing your Inventory. Developers can pick the technologies they prefer or decide how to combine features within an app. Vendors can select which services to offer. Libraries can decide whether to host edutech on their own or opt for hosting services provided by the community.

Edutech was created to provide a service to Libraries. This open, modern, flexible, extendible, powerful platform that helps libraries solve the needs of today and also provides leverage for the future.

Library Services Platform

A rich set of Features:

The edutech LSP covers all the key tasks in the domains of the library including circulation, acquisitions, cataloging and e-resources management. Each of these tasks might use a few smaller apps to get everything done smoothly. Features include the ability to:

- Manage the library inventory including cataloging and bibliographic management functions.

- Manage vendors, budgets, orders and invoicing when acquiring materials

- Manage electronic resources including holdings, licenses and agreements

- Manage users including library staff, faculty and students

- Support different patron types, loan types, fine and fee structures, recalls, and holds, as well as reporting functions.

- Circulate items and define circulation rules including loan, fines, notices and requests policies.